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Brass for Hot Forging & Casting

Knowledge You Don't Know About Brass Forging And Brass Casting The rich golden-amber hues of brass hold widespread appeal. Manufacturers have used this versatile alloy of copper for centuries! Most brass contains some zinc, although alloys may include other elements at well. The addition of variable amounts of zinc impacts the strength of brass parts significantly.Today, brass components play an important role in numerous economic sectors. Long lasting cost-effective precision-engineered brass parts figure prominently in the global electronics industry, for instance. BRASS ALLOYS FOR EXTRUSION AND CASTINGMetal part manufacturing firms which work with brass often rely extensively upon two important production processes: casting and extrusion. Each of these techniques offers a way to form useful brass parts.During the casting process, a manufacturer pours a molten brass alloy into a mold. The metal gradually cools and solidifies in a recrystallized form.The process of brass extrusion differs from casting; a manufacturer forces hot metal through a shaped die to generate a specific desired shape, such as a rod.Different categories of alloys may display disparate properties. Just consider some popular brass alloys (and closely related metals) available in the commercial marketplace today: ADVANTAGES OF BRASS ALLOYSBrass alloys supply many advantages within a manufacturing environment:The wide availability of zinc and copper help keep brass alloys comparatively cost-effective.Brass both casts and machines easily, helping manufacturers to control production costs better.Today metallurgists can manipulate the composition of brass alloys to elicit certain desirable properties in a metal component. For instance, manufacturers use carefully-created brass alloys to obtain strength, corrosion resistance, heat conductivity, wear resistance and the ability to tolerate extensive machining.Brass possesses warm, rich colors, contributing to its popularity as a decorative metal, too.Brass alloys display a durable lifecycle providing solid value. These materials usually maintain shape well over the course of time.Manufacturers can create ornate patterns in the surface of brass, permitting the creation of intricate details more cost-effectively in a single extrusion. This capability often contributes to reduced production times and lower cost requirements. ALUMINUM BRASS ALLOYS AND BRONZESThis category of alloys typically offers high strength, as well a good corrosion resistance. These popular metals form many cast products.NICKEL SILVERSWidely used in casting, extrusions and hot forging (and sometimes even in cold forming), nickel silver alloys have gained acclaim because they usually accept a high polish. Metal parts composed of these alloys may display sleek, almost satin-like finishes, for instance. Most metal parts consisting of nickel silver alloys perform decorative roles, although some do display other advantages, such as heightened wear resistance, corrosion resistance and strength. Properties of the individual alloys vary, based upon metal composition.NAVAL BRASSES AND BRONZESAlloys classified as naval brasses or bronzes display excellent corrosion resistance properties. Used in both brass castings and extrusions, these alloys function well in rugged maritime environments. Shipbuilders often rely upon naval brass alloys in cabin components, for instance.DZR BRASSESUsed in both brass castings and extrusions, DZR (“dezincification resistant”) brass alloys function well in underwater environments. These metals resist the loss of zinc.LEAD-FREE BRASSESUsually more expensive than alloys containing lead, lead-free brasses perform an important role in many municipal water systems in the USA since the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974. They frequently form plumbing components, including pipes, faucets and other fixtures.HIGH TENSILE BRASSESWith good hot forging properties, high tensile brass alloys typically demonstrate high strength, plus excellent resistance to corrosion and wear. Manufacturers use these alloys in forged fasteners, pump parts and rods, pump valves, and valve spindles.ARCHITECTURAL BRASS AND BRONZE ALLOYsBrass alloys and bronze alloys appear frequently in decorative items used in architectural construction. For instance, parts made from this attractive category of metal alloys often form moldings, door and window frames, door handles, elevator sills and other modern building decor items. ALLOYS USED IN COLD FORMINGBoth brass extrusions and hot-rolled parts may benefit from cold forming during the manufacturing process. This category of brass alloys includes C26000, C35300, and C38000. These metals typically display excellent ductility, so manufacturers may use them for riveting or cold heading.BRASS ALLOYS FOR FORGINGDuring the process of forging, a manufacturer applies heat and/or mechanical force to billots or ingots to change the shape of the material.Two types of forging techniques factor significantly in the production of many bronze components: free machining and hot forging.FREE MACHINING BRASSManufacturers frequently perform machining of brass components using high speed automatic lathes or screw machines. Production may involve cutting brass parts directly from sheet metal. This technique permits the generation of some useful metal components. Certain alloys perform especially well during riveting, for instance.HOT FORGING BRASSThe hot forging process also produces numerous metal components today. For example, during complex closed die forging, manufacturers prefer to employ metals which become very malleable while hot. Alloy C377 may permit the generation of simple shapes during the forging process due to its flow properties. The brass parts formed from this important alloy typically remain free of porosity, yet they often display close dimensional accuracy.BRASS ALLOYS FOR DECORATIVE APPLICATIONSThe lovely appearance of brass helps make this metal exceedingly popular in decorative applications. Potential uses range from jewelry to architectural decors.An alloy known as Gilding Metal C21000 contributes to the jewelry trade, for instance. Its rich amber color and corrosion resistance enhances its popularity. This material reaches manufacturers in both a sheet metal and strip metal form. Contact Zehan Machinery MFG For further information about our services, contact us via the convenient website form or submit a request for quote directly from our technical sales engineer sales@zhmachining.comWe welcome your inquiries.

Stainless Steel and Nickel Alloys for Components

Stainless Steel and Nickel Alloys for Components Applications of stainless steel and nickel alloys include various industries, such as construction, transport, architecture, food and beverage handling (cookware), medical equipment and pharmaceutical industry. Both kinds of alloys are also used to produce military parts, marine products, jewelry as well as industrial and petrochemical parts. Stainless Steel AlloysStainless steel is a generic term used to describe a variety of steel types and grades that provide high corrosion and oxidation resistance. In general, stainless steels contain iron and a minimum of 10.5% chromium. Of other alloying elements, the most important one is nickel.In terms of mechanical properties, stainless steel can be divided into four grades:1. Austenitic gradesThis is the most common type of stainless steel. In addition to 16-25% of chromium, it contains nickel and sometimes nitrogen in solution.  Austenitic steel is is nonmagnetic, extremely formable and weldable. It is also characterized by low proof strength, strong work hardening and very high ductility.2. Ferritic gradesFerritic grades demonstrate high corrosion and oxidation resistance, in addition to being highly resistant to stress corrosion cracking. These magnetic steels contain no nickel and cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. They also exhibit low proof strength, limited work hardening and decreased ductility at high chromium levels. Ferritic grades are widely used in homes (sinks, decorative trims) as well as in transport (car exhaust system).3. Duplex grades Duplex grades are essentially a ferritic-austentic stainless steel combination. They contain more than 20% chromium in addition to small amounts of nickel and molybdenum. This composition gives them good resistance to corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, good abrasion and corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength, high energy absorption as well as low thermal expansion and good weldability. The many applications of duplex stainless steel include paper industry, pipe systems in chemical tankers, seawater systems, firewalls, bridges, storage tanks, heat exchangers, water heaters, structural design components and more.4. Martensitic grades Martensitic grades of stainless steel contain a relatively high amount of carbon in addition to 12-18% chromium. They are hardenable by tampering and quenching and can be subject to heat treatment in order to improve their properties. Depending on the type of heat treatment, these grades can also exhibit high ultimate tensile strength in addition to low elongation to fracture.So-called supermartensitic stainless steels are a modern type that displays high strength, low-temperature toughness and acceptable corrosion resistance.The choice of a particular stainless steel alloy and grade relies largely upon corrosion resistance requirements. Various mechanical and physical properties of stainless steels should also be considered to achieve particular service performance requirements. Nickel AlloysIn general, nickel alloys can be divided into the following two categories: nickel-copper alloys and nickel-chromium base alloys.1. Nickel-copper alloysNickel-copper alloys are also known as Monel alloys. In addition to nickel, they contain 29-33% copper as well as small amounts of iron and manganese. The main properties of nickel-copper alloys include high corrosion resistance, great mechanical strength, good ductility and a low coefficient of thermal expansion. However, they do tend to quickly work-harden.In general, nickel-copper alloys are used where a higher strength is required compared to pure nickel. Because of their superb resistance to acids and alkalis, they are frequently used in chemical plant equipment. With small additions of aluminum and titanium, Monel alloys can also be used in the aerospace industry. Other common applications include valve stems, heat exchangers, screw machine products, piping systems, fuel and water tanks, kitchen sinks and more.2. Nickel-chromium base alloysNickel-chromium alloys provide resistance to oxidation and metal failure through a loss of strength that often occurs at high temperatures (with the exception of high-temperature sulfur-rich environments). Thanks to their excellent resistance to acid, alkalis, water and seawater, oxidation, flammability, and organic solvents, nickel-chromium alloys are usually applied where particular heat and corrosion resistance is required.Nickel-chromium alloys can be divided into two categories:1. The first group includes cast alloys that contain 40-50% nickel and 50-60% chrome. These alloys are heat and corrosion resistant. Their applications include structural parts, containers, supports, hangers, spacers etc. that are exposed to temperatures up to 1994 °F (1090 °C).2. The other group of nickel-chromium alloys contains significantly more nickel (70-80%). Their applications include resistance heating elements exposed to temperatures up to 2102°F (1150 °C).The more recent nickel-chromium base alloys contain a variety of ancillary elements, the addition of which creates new and improved alloy properties.Low expansion and magnetic alloysTwo particular nickel group alloys that exhibit distinctive properties are low expansion alloys and magnetic alloys.Low expansion alloys are nickel-iron alloys exhibit low and constant expansion coefficient over a particular temperature range. They are used in medical, scientific and automotive industries to manufacture precision instruments, scientific instruments, laboratory devices, motor valves, aircraft industry parts and electronic parts.Magnetic alloys are complex alloys. The high-nickel magnetic alloys exhibit high initial permeability and fairly low saturation induction while soft magnetic nickel-iron alloys are used in switchgear and for direct current motors and generators. Contact Zehan Machinery MFG NowFor further information about our services, contact us via the convenient website form or submit a request for quote directly. We welcome your inquiries.

How Many Types of Steel & Steel Alloys

Find out what kinds of steel & steel alloys for components Carbon SteelThere are different types of carbon steel on the marketplace today. Carbon steel, the most commonly used alloy, contains carbon as the major alloying element. Carbon exerts the strongest influence in determining the properties of a steel alloy, especially the hardness and strength levels of the material.Typically, carbon steels fall into three distinct categories: High carbon steel: High carbon steels possess a carbon range between 0.61% and 1.50%. These steels prove difficult to cut, bend or weld and may become brittle.Medium carbon steel: Medium carbon steels typically display a carbon range of 0.31% to 0.60%, and a manganese content ranging from a low of .060% to a high of 1.65%. Much stronger than low carbon steel, medium carbon steel proves more difficult to form, weld and cut.Low carbon steel: This category typically contains 0.04% to 0.30% of carbon content. It fits a variety of shapes, from flat sheets to structural steel beams. A steel mill may add other elements to low carbon steel to produce specific desired properties. Alloy SteelSteel can be alloyed with elements other than carbon to produce specific properties that are not found in regular carbon steel. Some of the most common alloying elements include: ManganeseNickelCopperAluminumCobaltSiliconTitaniumChromiumTungstenMolybdenumSiliconePhosphorusVanadiumNiobiumThese elements are added to steel in varying proportions and combinations in order to make the material take a wide array of different physical properties. This includes: increased hardness or strength, improved corrosion resistance, improved ductility, improved machinability, and better cutting ability. Steel alloys also allow manufacturers to gain more control over metal grain size, the speed of hardening, stability at high or low temperatures, and even durability (wear resistance). Which Steel Alloy Is the Best Choice for My Component?Understanding the properties of each of the alloying elements and their effects is important for selecting an alloy that will best meet the requirements of the part that needs to be manufactured.To find an alloy suitable for your component, please consult the steel grade table below. For further details and questions, please do not hesitate to speak with one of our sales representatives. Simply outline your design issues and the goals of your project and a company team member will help you select the best steel alloy for your purposes.Typical steel alloys include, but are not limited to, these grades:GRADE 1020: cold headed bolts, axles, general engineering parts and components, machinery parts, shafts, camshafts, gudgeon pins, ratchets, light duty gears, worm gears, spindles;GRADE 1040: machinery parts, couplings, crankshafts, cold headed parts;GRADE 1050: machinery parts;GRADE 1095: springs or cutting tools which require sharp cutting edges;GRADE 1137: tools, springs;GRADE 1141: shaft, machined parts;GRADE 4130: general purpose, high strength steel shafts, gears and pins, welded tubing;GRADE 4140: general purpose, high strength steel shafts, gears and pins;GRADE 4150: general purpose, high strength steel shafts, gears and pins;GRADE 4340: power transmission gears and shafts;GRADE 6150: shafts, gears, pinions;GRADE 8620: medium-strength applications such as camshafts, fasteners, gears, chains/chain pins;GRADE 8760: tools, springs, chisels; Understanding the Steel Numbering SystemsThe modern steel industry uses two numbering systems to help identify types of alloy steels. Developed by the American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), both of these systems are based on four-digit code numbers that identify the base carbon and alloy steels.The first two digits in the four-digit series relate to the type of material selected. The initial digit ranges from 1 through 9 to identify the type of steel involved: 1xxx Carbon steel            10xx Plain carbon steels (containing 1.00% manganese maximum)            11xx Resulfurized carbon steels            12xx Resulfurized and rephosphorized carbon steels            15xx Non-resulfurized high-manganese (up-to 1.65%) carbon steels2xxx Nickel steel3xxx Nickel-chromium steel4xxx Molybdenum steel5xxx Chromium steel6xxx Chromium-vanadium steel7xxx Tungsten-chromium steel9xxx  Nickel-chromium steel The second digit indicates the concentration of the significant element impacting the properties of the steel, expressed in percentiles. Finally, the last two digits represent the percentage (0.00%-0.99%) of added carbon.For example, the number pair 1018, or “10” and “18”, designates Carbon Steel with 0.18% Carbon added. The number pair 2130, or “21” and “30”, means Nickel Steel Alloy containing 1% of of nickel and 0.30% of carbon. Some manufacturers also insert an “L” into the code to indicate the addition of lead or “B” to indicate the addition of boron. you can also check out, an online searchable materials property database, for very specific information regarding materials.  Contact Zehan Machinery MFGFor further information about our services, contact us via the convenient website form or submit a request for quote directly. We welcome your inquiries.

Aluminum Alloys

All About Aluminum Alloys Aluminum alloys are used in a variety of ways, they are used to make common everyday items like kitchenware and utensils, to being used in the auto industry to make lighter weight vehicles, to aluminum siding on homes, to use in aerospace, where they are strong enough to withstand the rigorous temperature changes while maintaining their shape. What are Aluminum alloys?An alloy is a metal mixed with either other metals or non-metallic elements. Aluminum alloys are materials largely consisting of aluminum, but with other elements such as iron, copper and magnesium mixed in.Depending on their composition, different aluminum alloys are suitable for different applications. The mixture of other elements affects an alloy’s physical properties, including its strength, ductility and corrosion resistance, and these properties can help a company decide whether the material is suitable for a given part.Aluminum grades can be broken down into three groups: commercially pure aluminum, heat-treatable alloys and non-heat-treatable alloys. Since commercially pure aluminum is less regularly used in CNC machining (we can, however, machine parts using Aluminum 1060), this article focuses on five alloys from the latter two groups. The Use Of Aluminum AlloysAluminum alloys are used in a variety of ways, they are used to make common everyday items like kitchenware and utensils, to being used in the auto industry to make lighter weight vehicles, to aluminum siding on homes, to use in aerospace, where they are strong enough to withstand the rigorous temperature changes while maintaining their shape. The weak aluminum used to make the soft drink cans can do that much when turned into an alloy compound.More About Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys.In cold temperature aluminum alloys, the tensile strength of aluminum typically doubles but the heat treatment of aluminum alloys produces a much stronger, much more controlled strength and weight to an alloy that can be rendered when a cold temperature is employed to do the same task. High temperature aluminum alloys are employed to temper the aluminum and allow the alloy to reach a specific mechanical strength. This is typical of aluminum alloys used in the aircraft, shipping, or auto industries. Each of these used the cost effective, lightweight aluminum in many different alloys, depending on the parts that are being crafted from it. Features Of Aluminum AlloyThere are hundreds of different aluminum alloys being employed in industries across the world today. It’s the features of aluminum alloy that makes it a staple to almost any commercial and industrial application. Below are some of the notable features of aluminum alloy:Widely used in numerous applications from small toys to aircraftsRecyclable and reusable which makes it a valuable resource in an economySlow to corrode, making it very sought after in the transportation businessIncredible lightweight makes it an ideal pairing to heavier metalsBetter elastic modulus properties compared to steel making it easier to deform to the desired shape or orientationLower melting point compared to other metals making it a suitable material for small scale usage without needing extremely high temperatures Common Aluminum Alloys We Process Heat-treatable alloysAluminum 2024Aluminum 2024, one of the more widely used of the ‘duralumin’ aluminum alloys in the 2xxx group, is a copper-alloyed material with an excellent strength-to-weight ratio. It is resistant to fatigue but fairly susceptible to corrosion.Tensile strength: 68,000 psiMajor alloying elements: CopperIndustries: Automotive, aerospace, transportationProducts: Car parts, aircraft parts, transport vehicle parts, structural parts, electronics Aluminum 6061Aluminum 6061 is the most widely used alloy in the 6xxx series and one of the most versatile of all machinable alloys. By CNC machining aluminum 6061, it is possible to make a wide range of products, including electronic and aircraft parts.Tensile strength: 45,000 psiMajor alloying elements: Magnesium, SiliconIndustries: General manufacturing, aerospace, consumer goods, architectureProducts: Structural parts, steps, platforms, covers, truck bodies, valves, pipes, aircraft parts, computer parts, electronics Aluminum 7075Commonly used for highly stressed structural applications, Aluminum 7075 is often found in structural aircraft parts, as well as sports equipment, tooling and more. 7075 is heat-treatable, ductile, strong and tough, but can also become brittle.Tensile strength: 83,000 psiMajor alloying elements: ZincIndustries: Aerospace, transportation, sporting goodsProducts: Aircraft parts, transport vehicle parts, bicycles, golf clubs, weapons Non-heat-treatable alloysAluminum 3003The most widely used aluminum alloy (across all manufacturing processes), Aluminum 3003 is a near-pure aluminum alloyed with Manganese. It is frequently used for household goods like cooking equipment.Tensile strength: 13,000 psiMajor alloying elements: ManganeseIndustries: Household goods, chemicalsProducts: Cooking utensils, kitchen equipment, tanks, siding and trim, roofing, chemical equipment Aluminum 5052Strong, workable and corrosion-resistant, Aluminum 5052 — made with magnesium and chromium, amongst other components — is widely used in marine applications because of its resistance to salt water. It is also the strongest non-heat-treatable alloy available.Tensile strength: 33,000 psiMajor alloying elements: Magnesium, chromiumIndustries: Marine, aerospace, architecture, electrical, oil and gasProducts: Marine transport parts, heat exchangers, aircraft parts, fuel lines, fuel tanks, panels, household appliances, commercial and heavy-duty cooking equipment See More About Grade Table of Common Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys How to Choosing a Suitable Aluminum Alloy for Your Parts In addition to the sample of materials mentioned here, Zehan Machinery MFG offers CNC machining and die casting services in several other alloys. When getting a rapid quote from us, you can select one of these alloys drop the drop-down list of materials, or choose one of many non-aluminum materials instead.If you’re not sure about what kind of aluminum alloy suits your parts or prototypes — or if you think your part should be machined from an alloy not on our list — you can request a manual quote and specify the requirements of the project.With this information, we can help you decide on the best material for the job, ensuring that your parts get made exactly as you want them.

Magnesium Alloys

Magnesium AlloysMetal part manufacturers form alloys by mixing two or more molten metals, or a molten metal with a nonmetal. The combination permits the resulting mixture to display properties supplied by all the constituents. Many different alloys contribute to metal components in the marketplace today. Magnesium alloys have assumed increasing importance recently. Magnesium AlloysPurified magnesium forms a strong, silvery-white very lightweight metal. Both malleable and ductile, it produces a brilliant white light when burned. Magnesium occurs abundantly in nature combined with other materials.For centuries, this metal proved difficult to handle and process due to its combustibility. As metallurgists have learned more about the production of useful magnesium alloys, the demand for products containing this lightweight metal has increased. Today, parts manufacturers frequently form magnesium alloys using combinations of aluminum, silicon, copper, calcium, zinc, manganese and other elements. Designating Magnesium AlloysMany manufacturers designate magnesium alloys by relying upon a classification system set forth in specification B275 of the American Society for Testing and Materials International (“the ASTM”). This system employs a convenient shorthand for describing metal alloys. It uses capital letters to refer to elements, and numbers to refer to percentage weights of the constituent alloys. Manufacturers must confirm designated alloy formulations when utilizing the ASTM system.Magnesium alloys today fall readily into three main varieties: cast alloys, wrought alloys and named proprietary alloys owned by specific companies or patent holders:Cast AlloysCast aluminum alloys encompass the majority of commercially utilized magnesium alloys. Some magnesium alloys permit die casting, sand casting and permanent mold casting.One example of a cast magnesium alloy utilizes the shorthand designation AZ91. It consists of magnesium combined with 9% aluminum and 1% zinc. In this alloy, the addition of aluminum and zinc both contribute to the hardening of the metal. Some magnesium alloys in this category use silver. Recently manufacturers have developed cast magnesium alloys incorporating rare earth metals, such as yttrium.Wrought AlloysThe wrought magnesium alloys employed commercially by manufacturers display enhanced tensile proof strength. Some widely used wrought alloys include: AZ31, AZ61, and ZK60. The first two alloys rely on combinations of aluminum and zinc, and the latter depends upon zinc and zirconium.Named AlloysProprietary alloys span both of the other two categories. Some cast readily, while others work well as wrought alloys. These magnesium alloys have received specific names, usually conferred by the inventor or patent holder. The Elektron magnesium alloys manufactured by Magnesium Elektron Limited illustrates this grouping. Properties And Applications of Magnesium AlloysMagnesium carries the atomic number of 12 and falls within Group 2A on the Periodic Table as an alkaline earth metal. The physical properties of this element contribute significantly to popular magnesium alloys. In many situations, these alloys provide excellent alternatives to aluminum, another lightweight metal widely utilized for commercial purposes.Light in weight, with excellent ductility and malleability, magnesium alloys have found widespread application within the aerospace and aviation industries. The brilliance of burning magnesium has allowed this metal to play a prominent role in pyrotechnics and the production of flares. Recently, manufacturers of some high-end performance automobiles have begun using magnesium alloys selectively in automotive engines and auto bodies to produce lighter weight vehicles. Some metal roof manufacturers have used magnesium and zinc alloys to create strong, lightweight roofing. Magnesium alloys have also found a growing number of applications within consumer sports and outdoor equipment manufacturing; they help form components in archery arrows, golf clubs and camping gear. Advantages of Magnesium AlloysAlthough the metal magnesium proves difficult to work with in a pure form due to its combustibility, magnesium alloys have gained widespread use in numerous commercial settings. Depending upon the constituent alloys, these products often combine reasonable strength with very low densities. They provide utility for designers seeking to reduce product weights in order to optimize fuel efficiency and lower transportation costs.Magnesium also offers the advantage of appearing abundantly within the natural world. Unlike some metals, it occurs frequently in combination with other elements in the Earth’s crust. In the future, the costs involved in extracting magnesium for use in magnesium alloys may decrease.CONTACT zhmachiningFor further information about our services, contact us via the convenient website form or submit a request for quote directly.We welcome your inquiries. 

Titanium Alloys

Titanium Alloys Metallurgists have developed an impressive variety of useful metal alloys for manufacturing purposes. The combination of a metal and one or more other elements creates a metal alloy. Frequently, alloys combine a large quantity of a less expensive base metal, such as iron, with a more costly metal, such as gold or titanium. About Titanium AlloysTitanium occurs widely in nature in combination with other materials. In its purified form, titanium forms a metal. It displays two distinct possible crystallographic structures as a solid: an “alpha” hexagonal structure and a “beta” cubic structure. Metallurgists have identified three broad types of Titanium alloys based on the crystallographic form of the titanium used in the alloy. These metals differ somewhat in the physical properties they display.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys: These alloys will generally weld well, but they are not heat treatable. They resist cold temperatures well, supply generally good ductility and offer low to medium levels of strength. Very high alpha or near-alpha alloys may resist oxidation.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys: These readily heat treatable titanium alloys will also weld. They supply high strength within specified temperature ranges.Combinations of Alpha and Beta Alloys: These alloys combine features of the other two types. Some display heat treatable properties and will weld. They offer medium to high levels of strength, but usually require hot (as opposed to cold) forming. The Grades of Titanium AlloysBoth a private voluntary industry association called the American Society for Testing Materials (the “ASTM”) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (the ASME”) have issued guidelines for grading titanium. Many international companies have adopted these standards. Some 39 broad grades of titanium occur widely in the commercial marketplace; the grade number helps manufacturers identify the percentage composition of different alloys. For example, a “Grade 5” titanium alloy would include 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium.Some manufacturers may also utilize other specifications. The Unified Numbering System (widely used in North America), the standards promulgated by the International Organization for Standardization (the ISO), and the EN Standards (used in the European Union) may address titanium alloys for specific purposes. Properties And ApplicationsAlthough a few decades ago titanium alloys found utility mainly for military applications, today several other economic sectors also employ products containing these metals. Both the properties and applications of titanium alloys have helped create a high demand within some industries. However, price factors still limit the availability of some titanium alloy products:PropertiesPurified titanium forms a hard, lustrous silvery metal. Although it possesses impressive tensile strength, the element titanium displays considerably less density than steel (a cubic centimeter of titanium weighs only 4.5 grams). It also resists corrosion by salt water. Nonmagnetic and reportedly non-allergenic, titanium provides a low modulus of elasticity despite its high tensile strength. However, its high melting point of 3,038 degrees Fahrenheit for many years created challenges for manufacturers attempting to utilize Titanium as an alloy in commercial settings.ApplicationsToday, titanium enjoys widespread use within the aerospace and aviation industries, as well as the defense industry. Its light weight and high strength within certain temperature ranges makes titanium well suited for a variety of aircraft parts. Additionally, titanium will resist corrosion from sea water better than many other materials, so alloys containing this metal have gained widespread use in power plant condensers and desalination plant facilities.Although titanium products usually still command high prices, the metal titanium has found applications within the biomedical field for use in surgical and dental implants. Some luxury car makers reportedly employ titanium alloys in their vehicles, and consumers recently have begun using golf clubs, watches and jewelry with durable titanium alloy components. In the future, manufacturers will likely continue to discover new uses for titanium alloys. Advantages of Titanium AlloysTitanium alloys offer numerous advantages. First, they resist saltwater and chlorine corrosion well. Second, they offer lightweight strength within specified temperature ranges. Third, many titanium alloy products withstand cold temperatures. Fourth, these metals supply an attractive silvery surface finish. Finally, some titanium alloys retain shapes reliably.CONTACT zhmachiningFor further information about our services, contact us via the convenient website form or submit a request for quote directly.We welcome your inquiries. 

Ductile Iron Castings

Ductile Iron CastingsIron CastingsDuring the process of casting a metal part, a manufacturer forms a new solid shape by pouring molten metal into a mold and allowing the material to harden while assuming the conformation of the mold cavity.Three important ferrous castings have gained commercial importance:Grey Iron– Steel as a commercial iron contains carbon up to 1.7%. Manufacturers sometimes refer to iron which contains a high percentage of graphite as “grey iron”. This cost-effective material has found wide utility although it does frequently display brittle properties.Malleable Iron – Another specialized form of iron received the popular name “malleable iron” due to its property of exceptional softness. First developed hundreds of years ago, it contains significantly less carbon than cast iron. It permits machining readily after casting.Ductile Iron – Ductile iron casting produces strong ferrous metal parts which display the ability to withstand collisions well without cracking easily. This malleable material has obtained many uses in the plumbing industry. Ductile iron casting creates pipes of many sizes; some manufacturers cast large pipes for underground use.Today, manufacturers use many technologies for creating useful iron and ferrous alloy products. Just a few popular commercial processes include die casting, sand casting, centrifugal casting, and investment casting.About Ductile IronCast iron gained popularity as a construction material during the Industrial Revolution. Yet, this material possesses a brittleness which renders it unsuitable for some building purposes. During the 1940s, researchers reportedly discovered they could enhance cast iron alloys significantly by adding Magnesium as a constituent prior to casting.This modification changes the composition of cast metal parts on a granular level. It enhances strength and ductility.Ductile iron, due to its enhanced ability to bend and withstand impacts without breaking, gained popularity soon after its introduction into the commercial marketplace. Today, ductile iron castings still enjoy numerous applications.They have achieved particular fame in the production of large pipes used by water and wastewater systems. Reportedly, ductile iron has also found applications within the transportation and automotive industries.Properties of Ductile IronThe addition of Magnesium affects the properties displayed by ductile iron. This material demonstrates improved ductile and tensile strength, properties which contribute to its suitability in underground pipes subjected to repeated stress from shifting layers of earth.Ductile iron castings display greater strength than gray iron castings, for instance. They absorb impacts by bending, without rupturing readily.Another property which contributes significantly to the popularity of ductile iron relates to its enhanced ability to resist corrosion compared with iron.Today, aging underground infrastructures in some urban areas have sustained problems due to the corrosion of heavy, brittle cast iron pipes installed decades ago (before the widespread use of ductile iron). By contrast, ductile iron pipes will withstand corrosion underground well for spans of 150 years, or more.Advantages of Ductile Iron CastingsDuctile iron castings offer a number of distinct advantages as a commercial product.This material offers a higher strength to weight ratio than some competing ferrous alloys. Its weight contributes to its popularity because manufacturers can ship it cost-effectively in some circumstances.Ductile iron castings typically display an excellent surface finish; this material may require minimal finishing following casting.Since ductile iron withstands impacts well, it permits machining. A ductile iron workpiece can withstand additional post-casting operations, such as drilling, cutting and surface treatments. For example, in the making of an underground pipe from ductile iron, manufacturers frequently apply coatings.Ductile iron supplies corrosion resistance, allowing it to withstand heavy wear for extended periods of time. It has received favorable comparison by some experts to competing types of the lightweight plastic pipe due to this factor. Buried ductile iron water and wastewater pipes potentially remain functional for many decades.Ductile iron supplies an excellent casting material. Like many other metals, it will accept fine detail during casting. We can create a wide array of useful products using this metal alloy.Manufacturers sometimes replace heavy steel forgings and cast carbon steel with ductile iron castings. While the suitability of this material for a specific purpose may depend upon a number of factors, in some situations ductile iron castings provide a cost-effective substitute for other metal alloys.Ductile iron castings prove highly suitable for many important pipe fitting applications. This consideration has greatly contributed to its popularity within the plumbing industry. For example, pipefitters can use this ductile alloy very effectively during tapping.Its ability to register reliably on metal detectors also contributes to the popularity of ductile iron cast pipe as a construction material. Its traceability enables workers to easily trace the route of underground ductile iron pipes during water and wastewater systems maintenance or improvement projects. Locating buried pipelines accurately often poses problems but the use of ductile iron cast pipes reduces this concern.CONTACT zhmachiningFor further information about ductile iron castings or our other services, contact us via the convenient website form or request for a quote directly.We welcome your inquiries. 

Aluminum Alloys and Aluminum Castings

Aluminum Alloys and Aluminum CastingsAluminum is best known for its lightweight characteristics. It is most widely used in the form of alloys which also contain varying quantities of other elements such as iron, manganese, magnesium, silicon, copper and zinc.  The addition of these elements may enhance the strength of the final product, or contribute useful properties such as improved electrical or thermal conductivity. Aluminum alloys are used to manufacture components for the automotive, power transmission, electronics, computing, telecommunications industries, and more.TYPES OF ALUMINUM ALLOYSWrought iron and aluminum alloys employ a specialized numerical identification system to describe the composition of wrought iron metal alloys and castings. The first digit represents the general class or series and indicates the primary alloy(s). A capital letter preceding the numerical description refers to modifications made to specific alloys. Aluminum castings end in “.0”.In commercial specifications, aluminum alloys are usually divided into three categories: pure aluminum alloys, heat treatable alloys and non-heat treatable alloys.Pure Aluminum AlloysPure aluminum alloys or the 1xxx series are comprised of at least 99% pure aluminum. Commonly used for transmission or power grid lines, these products display excellent corrosion resistance, workability and light weight.Heat Treatable AlloysSome types of aluminum alloys gain strength after heat treatments followed by quenching or rapid cooling. These metals typically fall within the 2xxx series (containing significant copper), 6xxx series (containing compounds of magnesium silicide) and 7xxx series (containing significant amounts zinc). A few 4xxx series alloys also do permit heat treatment, although the majority remain non-heat treatable.Non-Heat Treatable AlloysNon-heat treatable alloys generally require cold working, such as rolling or forging. Examples of alloys in this category include alloys in the 1xxx series (containing pure aluminum), 3xxx series (containing manganese), 4xxx series (containing silicon) and 5xxx series (containing magnesium).Aluminum CastingAluminum casting remains the oldest, best-known way to form high quality precision parts inexpensively. It involves pouring molten metal into a mold to reproduce a desired form. Depending upon the composition of the alloys employed, metal parts manufactured in this way display several desirable properties. Features may include lightweight, high temperatures resistance, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, strength and good finishing characteristics.zhmachining offers four different types of aluminum casting processes. The selection of aluminum alloys typically depends upon the availability and cost of a particular alloy, the comparative complexity of the casting design, and the customer’s preferred casting process. We perform the following casting processes in our facilities:Sand CastingA versatile, inexpensive, comparatively slow process, this casting process reproduces ornate surface designs accurately. It enables the casting of any size of part, including large parts. Available for A356.0, C355.0, 357.0, 443.0, 520.0 and 713.0 alloys.Investment CastingProducing superb exterior surfaces that often permit reduced reliance upon secondary finishing, investment casting produces intricate shapes using virtually any alloy. Available for these alloys: 208.0, 295.0, 308.0, 355.0, 356.0, 443.0, 514.0, 535.0, 712.0High Pressure And Low Pressure Die CastingWe force molten metal into a steel die under pressure during this casting process. It suits high volume production methods in which parts require minimal machining and finishing. Available for these alloys: A380.0, 360.0, 380.0, 413.0, 518.0Permanent Mold Casting (“Gravity Die Casting”)We use this casting method in conjunction with cores of steel (or other metals) and molds to create stronger parts than we could produce using sand casting or die casting processes. Available for A356.0, A357.0, B443.0, C355.0,355.0,356.0, 366.0, and 513.0 alloys.WHY CHOOSE US?zhmachining possesses extensive experience working with aluminum alloys. Our dependable, high quality aluminum castings play important roles in machines used in a number of different industries. We can supply both functional and purely decorative metal parts manufactured according to precise customer specifications.  so that a particular component will fulfill its intended purpose within an assembly.Our well-equipped and supplied facilities enable us to accommodate firm, narrow production deadlines. If you seek just-in-time delivery to avoid the need to expend money storing parts at your warehouse, count on our streamlined manufacturing process to assist you. We can also help you save significant sums of money by using our automated equipment to increase production rates. Our machines recommend cutting processes designed to avoid waste, enabling us to increase production volume while reducing scrap metal. This type of automation promotes better quality and improved manufacturing efficiency.zhmachining supports customers fully throughout the process of choosing an appropriate aluminum alloy and casting and finishing high-quality parts. You can depend us to supply the types of in-demand finishing services competitive manufacturers rely upon today. Whether your aluminum castings require heat treatments, special coatings, machining, or sophisticated finishing surface treatments, our company possesses the skills and equipment to accomplish these manufacturing steps.Contact zhmachiningFor further information about our services, contact us via the convenient website form or submit a request for quote directly. We welcome your inquiries.

Cold Forging vs. Hot Forging

Forging is a manufacturing process, which shapes a workpiece by applying compressive forces on it. According to the temperature at which is performed, forging is classified in “hot”, “warm” and “cold”. The most common configurations use hammers or presses to squeeze and deform the material into high strength parts.It is essential to note that the forging manufacturing process is completely different from the casting one, where the molten material is poured into a mold. Another significant difference to the other manufacturing methods as casting and machining is that forging improves the mechanical properties of the material by refining its grain structure and making it tougher and stronger.Cold ForgingCold Forging Manufacturing ProcessThe cold forging manufacturing process is performed at room temperature. The workpiece is squeezed between two dies until it has assumed their shape. To deliver a finished, ready to fit component, the technique includes rolling, drawing, pressing, spinning, extruding and heading.Cold Forging BenefitsManufacturers may prefer cold over hot forging process; since cold forged parts require very little or no finishing work, which saves cost. The second significant advantage is the material savings achieved through precision shapes. The economic advantages combined with high production rates and long die life are more than enough to convince many manufacturers that cold forging is the best option for them.Cold Forging DisadvantagesDepending on the manufacturer’s requirements, some of the cold forging characteristics may turn out disadvantages; e.g. only simple shapes in high volumes can be shaped. Therefore, if the customer is searching for a specific customized component, cold forging won’t be the best alternative. A second more significant disadvantage is that cold forged metals are less ductile, which makes them inappropriate for certain configurations.  Also, because of the grain structure that gives the material its strength, residual stress may occur.Hot ForgingHot Forging Manufacturing ProcessThe hot forging manufacturing process is performed at extreme high temperature (up to 1150 °C for steel, 360 to 520 °C for al-alloys, 700 to 800 °C for cu-alloys). This temperature is necessary in order to avoid strain hardening of the metal during deformation.Hot Forging AdvantagesHot forged components possess increased ductility which makes them desirable for many configurations. Also, as a technique hot forging is more flexible than cold forging, since customized parts can be manufactured. The excellent surface quality allows a wide range of finishing work as polishing, coating or painting, tailored to customers’ specific needs.Hot Forging DisadvantagesLess precise dimensional tolerance is a possible disadvantage of hot forged components compared to the cold forged ones. The cooling process should be also performed under special conditions; otherwise there is a risk of warping. Also, the grain structure of forged metals may vary and there is always a possibility of reactions between the atmosphere and the workpiece.Hot Forging vs. Cold Forging: ConclusionThe main difference between hot and cold forging may be summarized as follows: The cold forging manufacturing process increases the strength of a metal through strain hardening at a room temperature. On the contrary the hot forging manufacturing process keeps materials from strain hardening at high temperature, which results in optimum yield strength, low hardness and high ductility.Finally, a manufacturer would choose one process over the other because of economic and not quality reasons. The decision is based on the required functions of the desired component, the industry and if it’s a mass production or a low volume of customized parts.Setforge provides cold and hot forging, both performed in excellent conditions with state-of-the-art machinery for perfect results. We work close with our customers to understand their specific needs and find the best possible solution.

What type of surface treatment does ZH provide?

We provide all kinds of surface treatment service, for example the zinc plating, anodizing, chrome plating, nickel plating, blacking oxide coating, electrophoretic paint, powder coating etc..

How does ZH ensure the quality of my parts?

Once your order is confirmed, we will execute the whole fabricate design (DFM) review, so that our engineer think that maybe affect any quality problems of your parts.Using a set of test equipment to check and confirm the all materials.The final inspection report before shipping.We are able to real-time sharing the inspection data with you, so we also can work together to solve any quality problems that you may encounter during the production process.

What tolerances can ZH achieve?

There is not a set of tolerances fit all of the process and materials. In different situations, the final to tolerances of parts will be depending on the many factor, including but not limited to:part dimensions、Design geometry、quantity, type and size、materials、surface treatment、manufacturing process.ZH have a whole set of part inspection standards, all of the fabricate and  technical specifications needs clearly define in the part inspection standards.